Open Data for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean » Get Involved

Get involved

Get Involved

As part of the OD4D there will be a series of mapping sessions, seminars, workshops, manual preparations, debates and discussions on Open Data and ways of broadening and optimizing its use for the development of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The project, therefore, aims to engage society, governments, policy makers, academics and activists. Here, we hope that everyone is able to keep up-to-date with the activities carried out throughout the OD4D, finding encouragement and guidelines to open data, as well as using this platform to publish relevant content.

The OD4D is a project open to your involvement and collaboration. Dedicate a little bit of your time to help creating new solutions for the needs of citizens, as well as for more and more effective public services.

Collaborate with content
This platform is open to opinions and collaboration. You can be involved in the preparation of OD4D documents and activities by posting and suggesting events. Read the Terms of Use, register and submit your texts!

Open your data
If you have information of public interest and wish to open it, use the manuals available in our Open Data publications, browse through the reference links, communicate with people who wish to help…You’ll find what you need to open your data here!

Use data
If you are a Web developer who wishes to use Open Data; here you’ll find examples, guides and links on how to do so. By the way, we want to hear about your project. Drop us a line.