Open Data for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean » OD4D presents mapping of initiatives Government Open Data in Latin America

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OD4D presents mapping of initiatives Government Open Data in Latin America



Elisa Calza, OD4D coordinator for ECLAC, resented the objectives and first results of the OD4D initiative during a panel on Open Data, as part of the II and IV Ministerial Meeting of National Electronic Government Network of Latin America and the Caribbean (Red Gealc) (see presentation). In particular, the focus was on presenting the progress of the mapping document of the Government Open Data initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This mapping is part of the first results of OD4D and seeks to offer a qualitative picture of data opening strategies in the region: as a photo, it offers a visual of the state of the Open Government Data initiatives developed or under implementation in different countries. Through the map, the reports for 12 countries in Latin America (currently available only in Spanish) can be accessed. Future reports will include the English-speaking Caribbean countries too.

The panel counted with the participation of Nagore de los Rios  (Director of Open Government and Internet Communication of the Basque Government), Felipe Heusser (President of the Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente, Chile) and Joao Battista Ferri (Director of Electronic Government in Brazil), which highlighted features and the growing role of Open Government Data in the respective Open Government and e-government initiatives.