Open Data for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean » Seminar “Open Data 4 Development (OD4D): Open Data for an inclusive knowledge economy”

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Seminar “Open Data 4 Development (OD4D): Open Data for an inclusive knowledge economy”


The seminar “Open Data 4 Development (OD4D): Open Data for an inclusive knowledge economy”, which will be held on Wednesday, 9 January 2013 at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago (Chile), aims at opening a space for dialogue with major players in the region and the world on the potential of open data in the formulation of public policies.

This event is developed within the framework of the project Open Data for Public Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean (OD4D), executed by ECLAC and the World Wide Web (W3C) of  Brazil, with support from the International Centre for Research and Development Canada (IDRC ).

The event will be opened at 9:00 am by Adrian Rodriguez, Head of the Agricultural Development Unit, Division of Production, Productivity and Management, ECLAC; Vagner Diniz, Manager of the W3C Brazil Office, and Fernando Perini, Senior Program Officer at IDRC Canada.

The speakers include Felipe Heusser, President of Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente, Chile; Mauricio Solar, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María; Amparo Ballivian, World Bank, and José Manuel Alonso, of the World Wide Web Foundation, among others.

The seminar will present the objectives, progress and activities OD4D project. A video about the definitions of the concepts of open data and its potential will be also shown. A round table on the experiences of opening government data that have surged during the last year in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Uruguay, will close the event.

The agenda (Spanish only)

About the speakers (Spanish only)


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