Open Data for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean » W3C Brazil promotes the first course on open data for public entities in Latin America and the Caribbean

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W3C Brazil promotes the first course on open data for public entities in Latin America and the Caribbean

 The first course on open data for public managers in Latin America and the Caribbean will take place next 9, 10 and 11 January 2013, at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago, Chile .

This activity is organized by W3C Brazil, in collaboration with ECLAC and with the support of the International Centre for Research and Development Canada (IDRC ), within the framework of the project Open Data for Public Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean (OD4D).

This course addresses public managers’ requests to improve public entities’ capacities in carrying on open data initiatives. By training the participants in order to behave as “multiplier of competencies” once back in their respective countries, the course will represent a unique opportunity to learn about the development of open data initiatives, sharing best practices and experiences, and to promote debate on open data and its potential for public policies and for the development of a more inclusive knowledge economy in the region.

The course will take place in parallel with the first “Regional Meeting of the Open Government Partnership” for Latin America and the Caribbean “, taking advantage of synergies generated by this important event, which will bring together organizations, stakeholders and practitioners keen to issues related with open data, transparency and open government.

“The production and publication of open data in a format that allows their reutilization promote transparency and fight corruption, and boost a more participatory and collaborative relationship between citizens and government,” said Vagner Diniz, from W3C Brazil.

See the course program (only in Spanish).


Press contacts:

/ / :
Daniela Marques

Vanessa Morais

Everton Schultz

Assessoria de Comunicação –

Caroline D’Avo – Assessora de Comunicação –

Everton Teles Rodrigues – Assistente de Comunicação –


